Sunday, July 26, 2009

i've moved to this bangalow(my roommates n I name it 小屋lol)
since end of may
which was during the 1st semester exam.
this's BoErn's great-great-grandma house.
there're two "great"s@@
(give me a WOW ! )

now guess how much will be the rental.
hmmmmm.50bucks each person for a month!! X D
whr can u find this cheap rate in KL?
including air-conditioner,electricity,
sumtimes even when we cook.we eat their rice n eggs!XD

I rent A room with another FOUR gay roommates

From left: BoErn(The Silver Tag Prefect),
ShiYii aka kurus ("kurus" is how the kakak names him.haa),
DaoHwa aka The HonestGuy(My younger bro),
BaoWei(The most Gay one)

sumtimes we cook ourselves at home.
it's tiring actually.
n the headchefs are always me n baowei.
others all wait eat only one.aiks

*i just realized that boern is actually so humorous.
damn him so lan funny.
mayb we're much more familiar to each other d.

one of the nights we had a buffet steamboat&barbeque
at kepong with ShengYi,milk HL n puff WJ

Life Pictures..

woww this.i've to mention this.
this is the 猪肠粉(JuQiongFan) stall outside school
locally, we named it LouHai (old pussy) XD
im not very clear why he has this name.
even he himself also know everybody names him like
he've been selling ju qiong fan here for many many years here.
i think 10+ ? = )
thought of giving him a photo-shooting one day.
since he's so famous n popular n playing an IMPORTANT ROLE
in our school life.

*Dismiss bell rings*
"Oi, go whr"
"wherever larrr.but.......LouHai first"

well, wat made him so standing out from another two stalls selling ju qiong fan?
hmm. i think.
first of all.
he uses charcoal to heat his soup one.instead of using gas like the others.
so that his soup is so yummy.
he is friendly n generous. unalike the another uncle so stingy,

Argg. Whatever shit.too much craps d.

One Night.
popo(boern's great-great-grandma) was hmmm
having stroke symptom.
she was like. she has got thing to speak.
but can't speak.she can like giggle a few words.
but can't form a full n correct sentence.
so her daughter n granddaughter were thr with her
keep talking to her
try to keep her conscious.
we were quite worry too.

then, i think it's popo's great-great-granddaughter
who studies medical.
came n have some check ups for popo.

then i saw sumthing interesting.

medical books VS One Piece Comics

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